Friday, June 26, 2009

Chapter 2 : Intresting week in college =)

Hellos !
Yesh i have been missing from blogging and now I'm back . Hee ^^,

Anyway just wanna share with you abit on my week.


We dissected kidneys, In case your wondering what kidney we dissected... its sheeps/goats kidney. I had a great time doing so ... dunno what my other classmates think... but its fun ohkay (eventho it smells) ... its not like everyday you can cut open organs =D

Err... nothing much happened i guess oh i cant remember heee hee

Wednesday & Thrusday

Its ESL tutorial.. My research topic was about Natural Medicine VS Synthetic Medicine on the effectiveness in curing diabetes =) And I have a testimony !

Well it was last minute (Monday) until I realized the I've messed up my ESL Investigative Study and I had to present it (Wednesday) really gg la. But Thank God for cooperative teamates, I was able to switch my presentation to the next day (Thursday) An extra day, Praise God! Then that was settled but I had to find more relevant info to present and i came across a really relevant video. However it was in BM *sighs* So I asked my lecturer whether I could still show the video. She said No! its a english presentation. =( but but after explaining my situtation, she agreed provided I translate the video. So really Praise God! Then when it was my turn.. the video didn't work weiii .... *aiseh* College comp don't have the real player . So i went to Youtube the video load so slow =( (i did all that infront of my lecturer, hope she didn't potong my marks la) for being not prepared and having techical errors. But cutting the long story short ... I manage to present ohkay laa .. Teacher didn't comment on my presentation so dunno la. Ehehe =D Really Thank God for providing for me.

Anyway this is my group for ESL tutorial

*Philips, Cassie, Me, Jo-Lynn, Nigel*

weird poses

Today Ee Lin, Renu, Phoebe and myself had this idea of wearing our PJ clothes to college.. It was suppose to be a class thing, but end up 4 of us only wear.. so not sporting one la my class . Ishh ..

This is how we all look like

Ee Lin, Renu, Phoebe, Me (i look fat la)

I dun think anyone cares that we dress that way.. but I was literally wearing my pyjamas .. lol=P

thats all! nights !
*signing off*